500 YEARS WAR - A long-standing war between the neighboring systems of Rhakampyre and Bhareketu. However, tensions between both species still exist.
AGNA - A solar system in quadrant three and home to the Agneya.
AGNEYA - A species mythically known to humans/Prithvi as "angels."
AHSHNA - A term of endearment, meaning "beloved."
ARTHA - One of the three connected planets in the system of Vatasrazana. The only industrialized planet of the three, Artha is the center of scientific advancement, residence for most Vatas, and the only location visiting species are permitted access.
ATLANA - The largest, most populated, and frequently traveled space station in the Common. Located at the center of the Common disc, Atlana is the neutral residence for the Common High Council.
BEEF ON WECK - A sandwich found in Western New York, made with rare, thin-cut roast beef on a kummelweck roll and typically served with au jus and horseradish.
BESHATT BUSH - A Naraki carnivorous bowl-shaped plant with large brown leaves and long red tendrils that wrap around its prey, pulling them into the plant's bowl to be slowly digested.
BHAREKETU - A solar system in quadrant four and home to the Keti (mythically known to humans/Prithvi as "shifters" or "changeling").
CASTA POLLUX, THE - (aka "the Pollux") A custom spaceship designed by Kai Tyszekka and used by the Hahtta Alliance for exploration and cargo and refugee transport, as well as minor defense missions.
CLONE - A term used to refer to the process and the bodies of the Vatas species, who manufacture their form to house the stored consciousness of their people. Their original cloned forms had tall and lithe gray bodies with long limbs and large black eyes.
COMMON, THE - The section of explored space in the Milky Way galaxy which is home to the thirteen known species.
CREEHO - A curse word, generally translated as "shit."
DHUROKESH - A curse word meaning "fornicator," derived from the word "dhurok," meaning "to fornicate."
FAE - (aka "Sishani") A species dwelling in the system of Sishanafae, located in quadrant two of the Common. The Fae are divided into three distinct subspecies known as the Aos Sídhe, the Aos Sluagh, and the Aos Sí.
FAMILIAR - An animal or creature companion that magically bonds with a Matri/witch, serving as assistant and magical guide.
FLECQURS - Large green spiders native to Vrasa. They lay eggs beneath a victim's skin where the larva feeds on flesh until mature.
HADDACK - A small Naraki animal similar to a human/Prithvi gopher. Their bones are an excellent source of magical healing for a variety of ailments, including Tohdda Sickness.
HAHTTA - "The Abandoned Ones." Typically hybrids and low-bloods that have been shunned or cast out from their home worlds.
HAHTTAVAYA - "Home of the Abandoned Ones." A new solar system hidden behind the Sisters Nebula, located between Varuna and Vatasrazana in quadrant four.
HAKSHA - A tent made of oiled cloth that is durable in moist climates, but highly flammable.
HELIASH PRIME - Home world in the Naraka system. This planet is perpetually dark due to dense sulfur clouds and features barren landscapes of dead forests and rivers of lava.
INDRANA - A solar system between quadrants two and three and is home to the Indrani.
INDRANI - Female-dominant society featuring a variety of subspecies such as Valkyrie, Sirens, Banshee and Nymphs. They breed with other species for reproduction.
JEVAMERU - A solar system in the center of the Common hidden within the Meri Nebula and is inaccessible to all other species.
KAHRA - The largest island on the Varuna home world of Vrasa, and the only location where visitors are allowed free access.
KEIKA - A large green fish with golden spikes down its spine. A native species on Vrasa, the home world of Varuna.
KETI - A species dwelling in the system of Bhareketu, located in quadrant four. The Keti include two subspecies, "Shifters" and "Changeling," both of which are able to transform shape into another form.
KIRACOU - An underwater volcanic mountain range on Vrasa, the home world of Varuna.
KOURATTE - A version of chess, played on multiple levels and with substantially more playing pieces and movement combinations.
KUBARAE - A solar system located between quadrants one and two and home to the Kubari.
KUBARI - A species dwelling in the system of Kubarae, located between quadrants one and two. Includes a variety of subspecies mythically known to humans/Prithvi as Giants, Dwarves, Berserkers and Ogres. They are a male-dominant society that breeds with other species for reproduction.
KUSHA - A plant native to Varuna with psychedelic and sedative properties. Often use for medicinal and recreational purposes.
LONA ASTRAPE, THE - (aka "the Astrape") A modified freighter ship affectionately known as the "Valkyrie Nest." The family of Valkyrie are aligned with the Hahtta Alliance and conduct missions in quadrant two, hauling cargo and transporting refugees to the various camps.
MAHKRA - The underwater capital city on the Varuna home world of Vrasa.
MAKT - A magical puberty for Matri "witches," where they come into their full powers and receive the Matri mark (an eclipse) somewhere on their body.
MATRI - A species dwelling in the system of Matriku, located in quadrant four. Mythically known as "witches" to humans/Prithvi,; however, the term is considered derogatory in the Common. Females are typically more magically gifted, thus males are often treated poorly, discriminated against, and even enslaved.
MATRIKU - A solar system in quadrant four and home to the Matri.
MERI - A species dwelling in the system of Jevameru that is located at the center of the Common inside the Meri nebula. This system is inaccessible by space to the rest of the Common and therefore little is known about the Meri other than they are a collection of various animal species. Most are mythically known to humans/Prithvi as magical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, griffon, and the phoenix.
MOHANA - A magical ability of the Varuni amphibious species that is able to coerce individuals by touch and voice command. The water in Varuna also contains magical properties with similar effects to a truth serum.
NARAKA - A solar system between quadrants three and four and home to the Naraki.
NARAKI - A species dwelling in the system of Naraka, located between quadrants three and four. They have a wide variety of subspecies mythically known to humans/Prithvi as "demons."
NESHI - A small animal native to the home world of Matriku. Their body is roughly six inches in length with a long tail. They have four limbs and five fingers on each "hand," and they possess an extra flap of skin between their limbs that they use to glide between trees. They have a pointed face and extremely large ears. The species is high-strung and typically unfitting for domestication.
ODAN - One of two space stations that comprise the Peshodan Pass (aka "Pirates Pass") between the Quillera Asteroid Belt and the Meri Nebula.
ONIGUNO - A green primitive Kubarae low-blood species often referred to as an "ogre."
OVERWORLD - The area of space located above the Common disc, and ruled primarily by pirates, mafia, and criminals.
PESH - One of two space stations that comprise the Peshodan Pass (aka "Pirates Pass") between the Quillera Asteroid Belt and the Meri Nebula.
PRANA - A solar system in quadrant one and home to the Pranya.
PRANYA - A species dwelling in the system of Prana located in quadrant one of the Common. The Pranya are an energy species lacking physical form. They interact with the physical world through the possession of other species, animals, clone bodies, or mechanical robots.
PRITHVI - A species dwelling in the shielded system known as Prithya. The Prithvi, also known locally as "humans," are the least magical species of the Common. They were the first species made by the "Creator" and protected as an experiment of evolution. This species is generally unaware of the rest of the Common, though myths and rumors are pervasive in their various cultures.
PRITHYA - A solar system in quadrant four and home to the Prithvi/humans.
PRITHYA COMMON ("PC") – a term used to describe standardized forms of measurement, currency, time, and language used across the Common.
PRITHYA GUARDIAN - Vatas clones assigned the duty of guarding and protecting the Prithya system (primarily "Earth") from the rest of the Common.
QUADRANT - The Common is divided into four sections known as "quadrants."
RHAKA - A species dwelling in the system of Rhakampyre, located in quadrant four of the Common. The Rhaka have ten different types of subspecies that feed off others. Those ten subspecies are then divided into two groups - the revered and privileged "mental" feeders (Voshpyre, Vappyre, Virpyre, Vitpyre, and Venpyre) and the discriminated and underrepresented "physical" feeders (Vexpyre, Vampyre, Vulpyre, Vuzpyre, and Vokpyre).
RHAKAMPYRE - A solar system located in quadrant four and home of the Rhaka.
RTA - One of the three connected planets of Vatasrazana. Rta is an agricultural planet, home of the Prithya Guardians and contains the only portal to Prithya in the system.
S-CORP - The militaristic enforcement division of the broad reaching corporation known as Synergis.
SKEHDAI - A curse word, generally translated into "bastard."
SCRIBE - A Vatas with the ability to mentally connect with other species, experiencing and silently documenting the lives and histories of the people in the Common.
SECTOR - The generalized term for the section of the Milky Way galaxy in which the Common resides.
SISHANAFAE - A solar system at the far corner of quadrant two and home to the Sishani (also known as the "Fae").
SISHANI - (aka "Fae") A species dwelling in the system of Sishanafae, located in quadrant two of the Common. The Fae are divided into three distinct subspecies known as the Aos Sídhe, the Aos Sluagh, and the Aos Sí.
SYNERGIS - A large multidivisional corporation with interests in all four quadrants of the Common. They are unallied to any single species or system and their board of directors is reputed to include a diverse range of species.
TEYROO - A large tropical pink and green flower found in the system of Matriku. Their scent is sweet and pungent, similar to the hibiscus on Earth/Prithya.
TEICKAH - The literal translation is "weak bleeding female abomination," generally used in a similar fashion to "bitch."
TINGHILA - Sea monsters resembling eels that are native to Vrasa and believed to be extinct by most of the Common.
TOHDDA SICKNESS - A fast-spreading space illness of unknown origin. Symptoms are universal among all species and include boils, perspiring blood, hair loss, and rabid animalistic behavior.
UHKANFIRE ALE - A spicy and powerful Kubari intoxicant.
UNDERWORLD - The area of space located below the Common disc, and ruled primarily by crime lords, assassin leagues, and slave traders.
VAMPYRE - A Rhaka "physical" subspecies that feeds on blood.
VAPPYRE - A Rhaka "mental" sub-species that feeds on memories and thoughts.
VARUNA - A solar system between quadrants four and one, located on the quadrant four side of the Quillera Asteroid Belt. Home to the Varuni.
VARUNI - A species dwelling in the system of Varuna located between quadrants four and one. The Varuni are an amphibious species that believe in living in harmony with their environment. They are one of the most unique species in the Common, featuring skintones of blues, greens, and browns that resemble the waters where they were born. Their eyes are typically vibrant and dual-colored and they have gills along their neck from the back of their ears to jaw.
VATAS - A species dwelling in the system of Vatasrazana, located in quadrant four of the Common. They are mythically known to humans/Prithvi as the stereotypical "alien," with tall gray bodies, long limbs and large black eyes. The Vatas do not reproduce, but instead use cloning technology to maintain life.
VATASRAZANA - A solar system in quadrant four and home to the Vatas. The system contains a single star and three planets that have been bound together by a massive halo structure connecting the planets into a single orbiting object.
VEDAS - One of the three connected planets of Vatasrazana. Vedas houses the millions of Scribe archives documenting the history of the Common that are preserved for the benefit of the "Creators."
VEELAQ - A very sweet bright-yellow edible flower from Varuna. Often deep-fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar or made into a sweet intoxicant.
VENPYRE - A Rhaka "mental" subspecies that feeds on emotions.
VEXPYRE - A Rhaka "physical" subspecies that feeds on pain.
VIHARA - A barren nomad planet that was believed to have once orbited a non-magical system located near Naraka. The Hahtta Alliance made an attempt to colonize the planet but was stopped by a mercenary army that was send to slaughter the entire population in a battle that lasted less than ten hours and is now known as "The Massacre of Vihara."
VIRPYRE - A Rhaka "mental" subspecies that feeds on dreams.
VITPYRE - A Rhaka "mental" subspecies that feeds on magic.
VOKPYRE - A Rhaka "physical" subspecies that feeds on sex.
VOSHPYRE - A Rhaka "mental" subspecies that feeds on power or strength.
VRAK - A curse word, generally translated as "fuck."
VRASA - The Varuna home world that is 99-percent ocean with very few small islands.
VULPYRE - A Rhaka "physical" subspecies that feeds on flesh.
VUZPYRE - A Rhaka "physical" subspecies that feeds on bone.